Cancer Prevention Part II

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Did you know that over 2 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer last year alone?   Many people mistakenly believe that cancers are hereditary…but in fact, only 5-10% of cancers are attributable to genetic factors. A whopping 90-95% of cancers are actually caused by lifestyle and environmental factors. Here are some of the main causes of cancer-related deaths:      25–30% are due to tobacco use  30–35% are linked to diet  15–20% are due to infections  20-25% are due to other factors like radiation, stress, physical inactivity, and environmental pollutants.   In Part 1 of this two-part series, I discussed the top five most commonly diagnosed cancers in...

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Cancer Prevention Part I

Posted by Lena Edwards MD on

We all shudder when we hear the “C” word, and rightfully so. Over two million people are diagnosed with cancer each year. That’s almost 5,500 new cancer diagnoses each day. The good news is that over 50% of cancers are preventable.   According to the American Cancer Society:   • The rate of cancer diagnoses has risen and reached an all time high in 2024 • Of all cancer deaths in people under the age of 50, colorectal cancer is now #1 in men and #2 in women. • The incidence of four screenable cancers is rising (colorectal, breast, prostate,and cervical).   In...

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Natural Supplements that Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

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Breast cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Approximately 300,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and although the death rate has declined by 44%, the incidence of newly diagnosed cases continues to increase about 1% per year. There are several factors associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Some of them can’t be avoided or changed, namely, age, genetic predisposition, and race (risk higher among black women). However, women can proactively reduce their risk by exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy body weight, limiting alcohol intake, and quitting smoking. Another way women...

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Estrogen Metabolism & Breast Cancer Risk

Posted by Lena Edwards MD on

  Protect Your Breasts with DIM There is SO much more to the breast cancer story than we are told by our doctors! It’s not as simple as hormone replacement therapy equals breast cancer! Did you know that a major factor dictating the health of you breast tissue is NOT the absolute amount of estrogen in your body, but the way in which your body metabolizes your estrogen? Let me break this down as simply as possible. Basic Overview of Estrogen Metabolism Your body makes three kinds of estrogen: Estradiol (E2), Estrone (E1), and Estriol (E3). E2 is the most...

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Which vital nutrient are nearly a third of us not getting enough of?

Posted by Lena Edwards MD on

29 percent of adults have low levels of vitamin D between January and March every year and are consequently risking deficiency, according to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey. For 11–18-year-olds, this jumps to 37 percent. Given the nutrient’s vital role in keeping muscles, bones and teeth healthy, what would deficiency mean for you and can you prevent it by taking supplements? Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because the body creates it from direct sunlight, vitamin D is only found in a small number of foods. It’s pretty much impossible to get the recommended daily dose from the sun between October and...

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