Important Announcement Regarding Shipping General Rate 2024

As a valued The Edwards Edge Store client, we appreciate the opportunity to assist you in optimizing your store experience. Today, we’re reaching out with an important update regarding changes in shipping rates for the upcoming year.

For those of you familiar with the annual shipping rate increase, beginning in December and through late January, shipping carriers (including UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS, and regional carriers) implement general rate increases (GRI). Immediately following, The Edwards Edge Store makes pricing adjustments to its shipping rates to reflect these increased costs and negotiates carrier discounts. The Edwards Edge Store’s final rate adjustments are typically made in January. We’re writing to remind you of this forthcoming change, so that you may properly prepare for it, with the goal of ensuring a transparent and seamless transition for our clients through this process.

Why are carrier shipping costs increasing?

General rate increases reflect the carrier’s annual increased cost of doing business and are levied on any package shipped within the carrier networks, commonly factoring weight, dimension, and zone. Based on historic rate increases, we are forecasting a 4-8% increase in shipping rates, taking effect throughout late December and January. 

The specific general rate increase is an active negotiation and we’ll update you with the final 2024 rates in late January.

What is The Edwards Edge Store doing to address this change?

We understand the impact that shipping costs can have on our customers and our business. In preparation for this annual adjustment, we’re actively leveraging our substantial package volumes to negotiate the best possible rates with our carrier partners. This negotiation process is meticulous and spans several months of executive effort to ensure we secure the most favorable rate terms for our clients.

Proactive Communication

We believe in transparency and want to keep you informed well in advance of these changes, even before final rates are determined. By reaching out now, we aim to provide you with an update to plan accordingly for the upcoming rate increases. 

Managing cost is a core focus of any well-executed business, and we’re committed to minimizing the impact of these changes. The Edwards Edge Store remains dedicated to providing you with an exceptional fulfillment and customer service, and we appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reply to this post or email us at contact@theedwardsedge.com. Otherwise, we’ll be updating you throughout January on the finalization of the General Rate Increase. We look forward to continuing to support your wellness journey and success through 2024.

Best Regards,