MORE BLOG POSTS — Hysterectomy
Endometriosis: The Silent Epidemic
Posted by Lena Edwards MD on
Endometriosis cells are NOT normal cells. Unlike the normal cells that line the uterus, endometriosis cells don’t play by the rules. They:
This means that endometriosis can be very difficult to control…so a comprehensive approach to treatment is essential.
There are TWO main factors that fuel the growth of endometriosis cells: Estrogen and inflammation.
Post-Hysterectomy Hormone Replacement Therapy
Posted by Lena Edwards MD on
Estrogen Only is NOT Enough! One-third of all American women over the age of 60 have had a complete hysterectomy? In fact, this is the second most common surgical procedure after C-section. Most women who have their uterus and ovaries removed are never offered hormone replacement therapy for symptomatic relief or disease prevention. Those who are lucky may find a doctor enlightened enough to prescribe hormones. Unfortunately, estrogen only is what is typically prescribed, and this is a problem! While estrogen replacement is essential countless ways, estrogen replacement alone, without the addition of progesterone, can cause a whole host of...