MORE BLOG POSTS — rheumatoid arthritis

The Top Ten Foods that Help Arthritis!

Posted by Lena Edwards MD on

Do you hurt? You’re not alone. Nearly 52 million people suffer from chronic pain, mainly caused by arthritis. A whopping 96% of people over the age of 65 take medication to relieve pain! Not only can arthritis pain limit a person’s ability to engage in their normal daily activities, it can really sour a person’s mood and wreak havoc on their sleep. Chronic pain also carries a hefty price tag. The most recent stats show we spend over $15 Billion every year on anti-inflammatory and other pain medications. Add to that number the cost of testing and treating the negative side...

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Which vital nutrient are nearly a third of us not getting enough of?

Posted by Lena Edwards MD on

29 percent of adults have low levels of vitamin D between January and March every year and are consequently risking deficiency, according to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey. For 11–18-year-olds, this jumps to 37 percent. Given the nutrient’s vital role in keeping muscles, bones and teeth healthy, what would deficiency mean for you and can you prevent it by taking supplements? Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because the body creates it from direct sunlight, vitamin D is only found in a small number of foods. It’s pretty much impossible to get the recommended daily dose from the sun between October and...

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